Instructions for use Titan Gel

How to apply Titan Gel

Instruction Manual Titan Ice

Ice Titan Gel does not require special skills of drawing, so perhaps for their own consumption. Since the product is included in a group of drugs, there is the need to comply with the instructions.

Before you apply make sure you wash thoroughly the penis cleaning agents of the body (soap, shower gel).

Lubricate the erect organ should be a half hour before sexual intercourse and massage from top to bottom. Should be in the ring between the thumb and the index. Then, you have to wait full vpityvanija. After the intervention, there should be a slight and pleasant tingling sensation. This means that the composition begins to act. If you do not miss a single session of 1 to 3 months, the result of the effect can be fixed.

Indications for the use of ice Titan Gel

Men who want changes in the personal sphere, it is recommended to buy Titan Gel for your regular use. It is possible to achieve significant results:

  1. The growth of the size of the penis when a small genitalia — the reason for the complexes, depression;
  2. To increase the power, keep the erect condition of the penis;
  3. Considerably prolong the time of sexual intercourse, enhancing sensation.
  4. Increase the self-esteem;
  5. To get rid of the stress caused by failures in bed.

Contraindications when used Titan Gel

The fact of the inclusion in the composition of the drug only natural ingredients makes the probability of allergic reactions and other side effects practically impossible. Given that the application is for the delicate skin of your intimate areas, it is of great importance. However, in some cases, the product is not recommended for use:

  1. Individual intolerance of the drug components;
  2. Congenital anomalies anatomical location, the presence of which the stretching and swelling of tissues of the genitals with the medication, the dietary Supplements can cause pain;
  3. Existing damage of the skin of the penis. Lubrication of any part can cause irreparable damage.
The application should bring only pleasant feelings, when experiencing discomfort or pain, you must immediately terminate the use of the funds.

Side effects and overdose

Ice Titan Gel it has almost 100% natural ingredients, so side effects are caused only by individual intolerance of components. If they occur, are of short duration – up to 2 hours. The impairment should consult a doctor. The symptoms of overdose similar side effects and are expressed by:

  • allergic reactions such as rash, itching, burning;
  • the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the penis;
  • excessive sensitivity of an organ;
  • bad sensations during sex.